Thursday, March 09, 2006

10 things that are GUARANTEED to put me in a good mood!!!

1. A visit to a scrapbook store.
2. Seeing Frankie (my sister's puppy)
3. Going out to eat.
4. A clean house.
5. Being able to sleep in.
6. Getting good mail, ie - an issue of Paper Crafts or Creating Keepsakes, a card or letter from a friend, or any package at all!!
7. Going to a stationery or business supply store.
8. Coffee!!!
9. Clean bedsheets.
10. Movie Popcorn.


Michelle W. said...

yay for coffee! That puts me in a good mood just saying the word!!! LOL


Anonymous said...

AHH, I can't beleive I forgot Coffee!!!

Shannon Schafer said...

Great list...a good visit to the lss puts me in great mood too! :)

~**Dawn**~ said...

great list! ya know what i've noticed? reading about things that make other people happy makes me happy! LOL