Tuesday, May 30, 2006

On an Unplanned Vacation

Well, I haven't worked since Thursday. We're in the process of moving at work, from one space, to a much bigger, much more updated space. We stayed after work on Thursday and packed everything up. It's really hard to believe how quickly the space was transformed from a dental office to a big empty space. I stopped by on Saturday to check out the new office. It's big, and new. I'm sure unpacking things there and putting them away is going to take much longer than the packing up did. Well, today I was supposed to go in to work for 3 hours for training, and I got a call yesterday saying that things are not moving along at the expected speed, so no work until Thursday. It's been a long time since I had a day off through the week, and oh my, did I enjoy yesterday. I got up, had some great coffee, watched some morning TV, etc.. Then I had some errands to run. Then I went shopping!! I bought a skirt (white of all colors!!!), and some new shirts. Yesterday afternoon, I met with all the girls from work for supper. One of our co-workers is leaving us for a new position, and we will all miss her dearly. We stayed at the restaurant for almost 4 hours, just talking and venting!! It was a great time.

Today is my appointment with the specicialist in Charlottetown about my kidney stones. I'm not really going into it with high expectations. I've seen a specialist in Halifax before and all he told me was to drink more water, he wasn't much help. This time, I want to ask if it is normal that a 27 year old woman has had 6 or 7 kidney stones, and if it's not, is there some reason my body is prone to producing them. This has been my worst episode by far, because of the hives. Yes, I still have them. 4 months now. If I miss even one dose of medication I'm all spotty within hours. I know my remaining stone is quite small, so I doubt they'll do the sonic wave thing to get rid of it or anything, I'll have to wait and see I guess. I'll update when I get home.

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