The Good - we saw X-men last night - Wow!!
The Bad - the doctor I saw yesterday, talk about poor bedside manner!!!

Let's start with the good. Bevan and I saw X-Men - The Last Stand at the theater last night. We spent the entire weekend before this watching movies. In preparation for this movie we had watched the first and the second X-Men as well. This was an excellent movie. Sooooo not my typical movie type. I was never a comic book reader. But I highly recommend this movie to everyone.
We actually spent our entire weekend this past weekend watching movies!! Here's a quick rundown:

The DaVinci Code - Hint: Don't go the the late show that only starts at 9:50!! We didn't leave until 12:30, so I feel this made the movie seem a little longer and drawn out just because I was tired. Other than that I really enjoyed this movie. I don't understand what all the bad reviews were about. I thought the movie followed very closely with the book, anything that was changed or left out didn't change the outcome. There were actually protestors standing outside the theatre when we went in, it was pretty funny. I just felt like saying "it is a book, fiction, no one is saying this is fact!!"
The Family Stone - I really enjoyed this movie. Loved the story. Yes, it's a pretty typical romantic comedy, but I like that kind of stuff.
The Ringer - Really funny. I think I felt guilty for laughing at first, but when I discovered that the whole movie is endorsed by Special Olympics, and that it's quite politically correct, I felt free to laugh and laugh. Watch it. Enjoy it.
Munich - Only watched the first half of this one or so, I didn't really see much point to it, maybe I fell asleep before all the really good stuff happened, so I don't think I should really bash it too badly.
Grandma's House - Can't find a link for this one. I had never heard of it before we rented it, it was Bevan's choice. Once again, I only watched the first bit. Not that it was bad, I guess I just wasn't in the mood. It has all of the people who are always extras in the Adam Sandler movies in it. Probably would have been OK if I had watched the whole thing.
OK, on to the bad I guess. I won't complain too much, just want to say that the doctor I saw yesterday was not nice!! He didn't introduce himself, barely let me get a word in to ask a question, shot down everything I had to say, and basically told me my hives have nothing to do with my kidney stones. I feel defeated and I feel like I'm no further ahead. I have to go for a bunch of bloodwork and other tests. I'm starting to think I'll just have to live with the hives and all the meds for a while longer. He was telling me about a med for stones, but most insurance companies won't cover it and you have to take it 4-5 times a day!! Doesn't really sound worth it to me.
Anyways, I'm off to enjoy my last unplanned vacation day (back to work tomorrow). I think I'll try to get some scrapbooking done. Have a good one.