I was just over perusing
Bevan's blog and he posted a list of his favorite movies of all times. It was an interesting list, but it confirmed that he and I have pretty different taste in movies. I must admit it, I
LOVE the typical "chick flick". If I had to choose only 4, this is how it would go (in no particular order, of course):
Sweet Home Alabama. This is the typical girl movie. We all knew from the very beginning who the girl would end up with, but our eyes were glued to the screen anyways.

13 Going on 30. I have to admit that before this movie I was not really a huge fan of Jennifer Garner, but this movie changed my opinion. You've just gotta love all the great 80's references, especially the scene where everyone at the party does the "Thriller" dance.

Napolean Dynamite. This one is not a chick flick, but you've gotta love a story about a geek who, against all odds, has something good happen to him. The first time I watched this movie, I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen, but as you all know, you have to watch it more than once, and the more you watch it, the funnier it gets. The catch phrases from this movie are now part of my daily conversations. Here is a great link to the
Napoleon soundboard where you can hear the characters repeat their sayings over and over and over.

Zoolander. Not really sure how I stumbled upon this one, or why I love it soo much, but it makes me laugh everytime!! I could watch it over and over and over, and I have!!! Bevan and I love it so much that when we moved in together and merged our movie collections, we actually kept both of our copies, just knowing that we are eventually going to wear one out!!

I just feel like I'm leaving out soooo many all time greats. I'm also a huge fan of The Wizard of Oz, Return to Oz, Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Adventures in Babysitting, etc., etc. My favorite thing to do is turn on any one of these movies in my scrapbook room and just sit and make a card or do a layout. Anyways, enough blogging, I'm off to the grocery store (super craving Lasagna lately), then back here to scrapbook!! Have a great day!!