Sunday, September 04, 2005


What a great day. I get to experience the relaxation of Sunday without the crankiness because I have to go back to work tomorrow. You've gotta love long weekends. It's really cool (temperature I mean) this morning. You can tell that fall is just around the corner. This time of year always reminds me of going back to school. Just this morning I got this little feeling of dread as I thought of busy classes, tests, etc... and then I realized that I don't have to worry about that. I don't have to worry about coming home in the evenings and reading textbooks and doing homework. I really don't miss that part of school. I do feel that my brain is starting to shrivel (is that how you spell that??) up though. I guess I just proved my point, I don't even know how to spell anymore. It's nice to be able to sit on the couch and watch TV or scrapbook and make cards and not feel guilty because I should be doing something school related.

1 comment:

missy s said...

hey missy! have fun bloggin! it can be your way to stay with reading and grammar! lol i can't spell to save my life and if you goto my blog you will see that! i will stop by again!