Well, it's 3 PM and I've had quite a productive day so far. I've gotten 6 different cards made (see the above pictures). Mind you, no housework has gotten done, and the one load of laundry that I put into the washer has yet to make it to the dryer!! I guess I'm not a great multi-tasker. I think that's another skill I've lost since I finished school. I used to be able to study and watch TV and talk all at the same time!!, now I can't even listen to Bevan if I'm watching TV!! The bad thing is that TV usually wins, and Bevan is the one who usually gets ignored. I'm such a bad girlfriend!! I always eventually ask him what it was he said, after all, he can repeat himself, and if I miss something on TV I might never get to hear it again!! (just kidding)
Speaking of Bevan, today is his last day of work. He's at Rainbow Valley for the summer again, as he was last summer. The very sad thing is that this is the last day that Rainbow Valley will ever be open!! It's closing forever. It's a pretty big deal here on PEI.