Sunday, February 11, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
Christmas 2006 Update - Long Post!!!
So, then it was Christmas eve. It was a pretty uneventful day, which ended with Church at 8 o’clock with my family and Bevan. We came home, opened a gift, had a glass of wine, and headed to bed.
We got up on Christmas morning at 7:00 (as always), and Bevan was at our house by 7:30. He was there for most of the gift opening. Once again, it was a fabulous Christmas, and we all got pretty spoiled!! From my parents I got a great little box with an engravable plate to keep wedding memorabilia in, Bevan and I got a ticket for the vacation draw at the deCoste Centre. I got some clothes, some gift certificates for Future Shop (to go towards my camera!!!), a chocolate fondue fountain, etc. Bevan gave me a natural light lamp, a tea brewer, and a sweet Napolean Dynamite action figure!! Mel gave me a Guess wallet. I got tons of scrapbooking stuff. Frankie had a great Christmas, too. At first she would only open a gift it she could smell treats inside, but by the end of it, if you put a gift in front of her, she tore it open!!
Bevan’s gift from me for Christmas was a Nintendo Wii – which became the entertainment at my house for the entire time we were home. Melanie was so sore after playing all day Christmas day that she wouldn’t even touch the thing on Boxing day, but by the next day she was back at it!! Mel thinks she’s a tennis pro now, and she swears she’s going out to buy a racquet.
I’ve put away all my scrapbooking stuff and even scrapbooked a couple of pages. One is of our Christmas Tree this year:
Today is my last day off before I have to go back to work tomorrow. I’ve been on vacation since December 7th, so tomorrow is going to be a painful day!! 6:15 is going to be really early!!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Yes, it is 5:30 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
My new hair

And I call myself a scrapbooker
It's the Canon Digital Rebel XT. Bevan's work has one, and he's had it home a couple of times and I've gotten a chance to snap a few pictures, and now, my little Fuji point and shoot just isn't the same. I watch and watch for the camera to go on sale, and everytime it is on sale I add it all up to see if I can afford it, and the outcome is always the same - not this time. I'm trying to save all my pennies for the wedding at this point, so I guess I'll have to wait a little longer.
In other, very exciting news, one of my bridesmaids - Christine - got engaged this past weekend!!! I'm sooooooo happy for she and Paul and I can't wait to see her when I go home for Christmas.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Cards Done!!

The KI Memories Alpine Collection was by far my most used paper this year. It's untraditional, but I LOVE it.
My vacation is going great, but I haven't done much relaxing. Last Wednesday I went to Moncton with Carolyn and all her sisters and Michelle. It was a really fun day. I'm trying to get the house cleaned up now so it's clean when we come back, but cleaning isn't really my greatest talent. I've managed to keep the kitchen clean, but haven't gotten the living room cleaned yet (it's filled with wrapping paper, tape, scissors, etc...).
I'm getting a much needed hair cut tomorrow. I'll post pictures when it's done.
Anyways, that's it for now. I'll blog again soon!!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'm back!!!
I’m on vacation again, too!!! My last day of work was December 7th (a Thursday), and I don’t go back until January 2nd (a Tuesday). We went home this past weekend and got the tree all decorated. We decorate our tree at home differently every year - this year we made all of our ornaments out of Basic Grey scrapbook paper. I loooovvvve it. We took pictures, but they’re on Mel’s camera, and she hasn’t sent them to me yet. I’ll post them as soon as I have them.
Other than that, things have been pretty quiet – but I’m not complaining – it’s been nice. I have lots to do this week to get stuff ready for Christmas. Our house is decorated, but I have lots of projects to finish. More later, I promise!!