The title pretty much sums it up. There hasn't been much going on. I spent Friday at the shop making some cards and learning some new techniques with acrylic paints and some others from Carolyn's sister in law. It was fun. I'll post the cards when I scan them in. They're much different from what I tend to do on my own, but great techniques for teaching to my card class.
On Sunday we went mini golfing. Now, I don't think I've mentioned this before, but Bevan and I are quite the Mini Golf Fanatics. Ever since we started dating it was something we've loved to do. I think the first place we ever played mini golf together was at Trenton Park. Then in the summer of 2001 we made a trip to Cavendish, PEI and played as many mini golf places as we could handle. Here's a list and a short review of each one:
1. Trenton Park - our first. It was 5 years ago, but as I remember it was okay. It's kind of under lots of trees and stuff, so there was lots of pine needles and debris on the greens. I don't have any pictures of this one as it was in the pre-digital camera era.
2. Sandspit - In Cavendish, PEI. Played in July 2001. Once again, a pretty good course. Nothing too crazy, but it was challenging if I remember correctly. I do remember it was a really hot day that day, so I may have enjoyed it more had I not been so warm.
3. River of Adventure Mini Golf - In Cavendish again. July 2001. I remember loving this one. It's full of fun stuff. One hole has giant potatoes on the green that you have to shoot around. In another you shoot the ball into the hole and it rolls down a large drill bit or something. And, of course, there's the giant lobster, which in no way is interactive in the game, but Bevan always loves having his picture taken with it!! There's also a hole where there is a swing type thing that moves back and forth over the hole, so you have to time your shot really well. We played this course again last year in 2005, and I was slightly dissapointed to find it's gone downhill a little bit, but it still has some cool features.
4. Black Magic Indoor Mini Golf - Yes, Cavendish again. Another fun course. No pictures of this one - once again pre-digital camera. The golf balls and clubs glow in the dark, and the walls are painted with glow in the dark pictures. One important lesson I learned at this course: never wear white undergarments under a sheer dress while in a black light setting - no it wasn't me, but the woman who was playing in front of us.
5. Ripley's Believe it or Not course - (I believe it may be called Mariner's Cove). Cavendish again. This one was fun, but a real toughie!! Not a good one if you're looking for a fun, quick game. This one requires some real concentration and skill, much like this next one:
6. St. Andrews Mini Golf and Country Club - This one is right here in Summerside. I believe it is modelled after a full course somewhere. This one has some real fun features - real ponds and real water and sand traps.

7. Crystal Palace Mini Golf - I think I remember this one being kind of neat. It was indoors and I seem to remember playing around a ship or something. Pretty fun if I remember correctly.
8. Magic Valley - outside New Glasgow Nova Scotia. This was a pretty straight forward course - nothing fancy really.
9. The Snow Queen - outside Antigonish, Nova Scotia. I barely remember this one, I've included it in my list because Bevan told me we went there. I do remember driving all the way there just to play Mini Golf. But I think the memory that sticks out in my mind most of this day is when I kicked Bevan's butt on the go-carts. I guess that great memory just eclipses all the other memories of the day.
10. Magic Mountain - in Moncton. Another one I only vaguely remember. I do know I was here with my parents and Mel and Bevan. I remember it being just outside the park, and I think I remember getting a hole in one here.
11. Drive-U-Crazy Mini Golf - at Cymbria campground in Cymbria, PEI. This is the latest, and among the greatest courses that we've played. I will say it is a little run down and the greens have a few wrinkles and some of the props could use a coat of paint, but this one was great. They have a castle that you have to shoot the ball through, a big red maze that you have to shoot the ball into, and a wheel powered by water that the ball goes into, and gets carried up to another level, where it is dropped onto the green.

All in all, I'd rate Drive-U-Crazy as my favorite fun course, and St. Andrews as my favorite more serious course. I think Bevan and I will someday build our own dream course and put all of our favorite features of all the courses we've played in one.