So, on Monday the 5th of December we headed out to the airport a couple of hours early. We stopped at the dog breeders house and picked up the puppy. There were soooo many cute puppies there and on the way out the door I told them I'd be back to get a puppy of my very own as soon as I could. We can't have pets at the apartment where we live now, so I guess I'll have to wait a while longer. Here is a picture of Frankie wrapped up in the quilt that Mom made for her(at least that's what we were calling her at this point, Mel didn't even know about her, so we weren't sure what her name would actually be).

Mel and Mitch's plane arrived a few minutes early. We all hugged her. It was great to see her. Then we gave her the basket with the puppy in it and she was sooooo excited.

The next few days were spent catching up, playing with the new puppy, and sipping barrels of coffee through the Tim Tams Mel had bought at the duty free shop in the Australian airport. On Thursday we went to Halifax to do some Christmas shopping. We had a great day. On Friday we had a bit of a snow storm. On Saturday night we had a welcome home party which included lots of great Karaoke. The more drinks we had, the better we thought we were and the more we sang. It was great. When Bevan and I were leaving the party, which was in the garage, and heading up to the house, we were walking through the Christmas Tree Lot in the garage driveway, and the police stopped us. I think they thought we were going to steal a tree. I told the officer "I'm with them" motioning behind me to the garage, not realizing that from the road it looked like I was motioning to no one at all!! On Tuesday, Bevan and I headed back to PEI. Bevan got a job (yay) so we headed back so he could get to work. Since we've been back things have been pretty relaxing and quiet. Wednesday brought another snowstorm. On Friday I worked at the scrapbook store. Then on Friday night we went to Carolyn's house for an evening of Pizza, Mario Dance Dance Revolution and Mad Gab. We had a great time. On Saturday night we went to a Community Christmas Concert at the Jubilee Theatre here in Summerside. It was pretty good. Over the weekend I've also finished a great scrapbook layout from our trip to CKU.

Now, here it is, Sunday morning. I've watched my Coronation Street, had my coffee - minus the Tim Tams :( and now I'm going to go shower so we can pick Mel up at the ferry for a few days of heavy scrapbooking!!
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